
I'm Viktor Snaer
Web Developer

Building modern websites

What I Offer

Responsive Websites

Creating websites that adjust to various screen sizes

Website Design

Work with an existing design, or choose a new one for your unique project

User Authentication

Allow only authenticated users to gain premium access to your site

Shopify Integration

Streamlined software to unlock sales on your website

Database Connection

Connecting the website to a database to store information

And much more

Schedule a consultation to see what else I can offer your brand, portfolio, or sales channel

Work experience

Hot Sheep tickets logoPlastplan logoGrofuleiga logo

About me

Seeing users enjoy a project I made is a priceless feeling. Taking an idea and going through the steps of design, code, and finally publishing a live website is always fulfilling, regardless of the project. Working and studying from home has strengthened my work ethic and aided in my work-life balance. I value the accessibility of the information age as it has allowed me to achieve my web development goals.

Retro computer with purple background
Image of code from code editor

My Work

My mission is to build functional responsive websites and web applications with the latest technologies. I put equal emphasis on functionality and design, here are some of my latest projects:

Beyond The Bedroom

Mixed-media resource for sexual education

View Project ▶

Speed Typing Game

Three one-minute rounds of speed typing

View Project ▶

Clock Work

countdown timer meant for focused sessions

View Project ▶


My web development skill set has been built by online courses, reading material, reviewing documentation, and of course- putting my knowledge to the test by developing websites. I am a firm believer in project-based learning where I put my skills to the test and am able to find solutions to my problems. Each project is an opportunity to strengthen or grow my skill set.


  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • CSS
  • HTML


  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Hydrogen Shopify


  • Authentication
  • Analytics
  • Database

Version Control

  • Git

Design Platform

  • Figma

Contact Me

If you are seeking a web developer or have any questions regarding my work, fill out my contact form or reach out directly at